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Fabulous: Angela's High School Reunion Collector's Edition, Português

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Angela's back in Fabulous: Angela's High School Reunion! After designing the new season of prom dresses, Angela decides to organize a class reunion of her own, but things don't turn out quite how she expected... Be a part of this amazing new story and help Angela survive her high school reunion in Fabulous: Angela's High School Reunion. Fabulous! Jun 18, 2017
  • Fabulous: Angela's High School Reunion Collector's Edition
  • Fabulous: Angela's High School Reunion Collector's Edition
  • Fabulous: Angela's High School Reunion Collector's Edition
Fabulous: Angela's High School Reunion Collector's Edition
Play your way through 90 levels
Visit 6 locations
Challenge your friends!
Collect trophies and complete the yearbook
Relive your high school days
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